Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reptile Versus Mammal Respiration


A Native American nations

A dance comes the sun to the skin, golden
by God.
A dance, tolling
gold teeth, jump

soil nails in the bull.

running down the road,
through the arteries. Blood
living body blood

Welcomes my blood circulate
enter your name.

I'm both, I am a bread
am mestizo.

Your ancestors and your children
throw stones at me.
stones at set
join my body
become bread.

Take this bread,
take this life, making

Earth is yours.
Earth where all our mothers gave birth, live
where we drink milk from the star.

A dance, comes the sun
with your gold teeth. Jump
the skin you're wearing golden
by the gods.

Take this blood is what I know

for a sacred covenant. Blood

old it is.
Comes from two rivers, two streams
maybe three or four tributaries.
is a silent river, awaiting
hour roar.
The time when the rivers come together,
open under the sun secretly

mood to dance and be one with the gods, in a deal
you call Earth,
called Mother,
that call us brothers.


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