Every year we are in the month of March it is for us the delicious source of joy and happiness as we celebrate our traditional FERIA DE SAN JOSÉ in honor of our Patron Saint SAN JOSE, year in 18 ° edition, show that was created by our dear Marian Orbegoso Orbegoso who will always remember fondly and thanks for his valuable legacy.
The Fair will be held on 18, 19 and 20 of this month beginning with the appointment of Personality and shift knob from the Mayor of the Fair, bars, tunas and flamenco dancing. On 19
worship at our San Jose with Mass, procession, walking with torches, fireworks, traditional bullfighting mad cow disease and with the assistance of the Characters of the Fair. On Sunday 20
be bars, horse riding Peruvian Paso, bands, tunas, flamenco dancing and parade to the arena where Torokuna held bullfighting and the famous TOROMATCH.
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