Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fairy Tails Lice Shampoo

L you have highlights revolutionary processes, situations arise that can not be predicted, even with the army of experts who should be the rule at your service, and therefore, play with the popular uprisings in times of revolution, when conditions are ripe for the fall of Neoliberalism World is a risk that the rule runs only when no other choice. If we view the situation in light of similar processes that have occurred in the last decade, we find a pattern, and from it, could be presented the following scenario:

· The empire gets to control the revolt, put a puppet government and temporarily stabilized the situation the Middle East.

· l E people and you will experience what is overthrow a government, and will not stay quiet. The layer is in flames again and again to the empire, and in less than a decade, the political landscape in the Middle East have changed radically.

· In Egypt, in the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood, if its leaders are consistent with its principles, the situation might be hard for Yankees and Zionists.

· Other African countries take the sample. Nothing so fires like those African grasslands, after more than five hundred years of looting, enslavement and misery.

· The situation in Europe also is explosive, and something could change in some of those nations that have everything planned, they spray dissent and suit your convenience . That could absorb even the socialists and "communist", reducing them to mere declarations.

· The Imperial ship begins to water in the United States itself, because they can not sustain the American way of life "and have taken to the streets and poverty to many people, which was used to live the American dream myth. That not only hurts, it hurts a nation that is armed to the teeth. Excluding, for now, the extraordinary power that can become immigrants rounded up, if they organize.


vox populi is , for reasons of war, the empire has been handling some forces of nature, to afflict even those countries that do not do what they want. Maybe they can manipulate the course of a hurricane, but can not create order the drought or flood entire countries, but as in the case of Venezuela, is reversible. With a small explosion in a geological fault could produce an earthquake of incalculable consequences, even for them.

But the planet is a living body and intelligent that would be sick that humanity is left peorcito direct at which it produced, and act to redress the balance.

For he who sows winds, storms harvest.

NOTE: Before the alleged sabotage of our military industry, we must fly, because the people are who, ultimately, confront all those who want to take away what we have achieved. Venezuela should not enter into the flames.

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