Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Beat Puzzle In Collapse

random access other

1 .- I have the feeling sometimes if two people ... my body constantly ignores my thoughts ........... and my mind judges the actions of a separate entity [that hate]

2 .- Today I again had the need to make magic, to have, as in "The Mask" pockets to draw from the things you want .. . shelter for someone.

3.-it 's anguish ... Wherever,,, Wherever you go .... 4.-

would think that has changed, matured, since things in place, a mental map, a tree full of branches that have come to an end: Florida. but the reality is. that everything is uncertain, fuzzy, without flowers or leaves and branches. with white squares. nothing. nothing. nothing. blur ... second voice you're hearing .... second voice you're hearing. [No = no]

5.-desolation and despair


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