Friday, March 5, 2010

Night Calls (lisa Fugard)

Hello, I said one day, I answered hello ... Who introduced us? No one, however we locked eyes and something is lit, a light? I do not know, but step of all, your lips touched mine and we met.
My name or yours did not matter, the semantics was left tangled in our mouths, touched my hands and a shiver ran down my back. I felt alive for the first time in a long time, I felt like my lungs were filled at the same time I talked to the ear. I put my hands in your hair and felt you shiver, I feel alive denuevo ...
already there we to very large, very bright, very public, I read in your face and get up, walk out the door and followed me, feel your naked eyes. I rolled my eyes and password on yours for a moment and kept walking through the door into the night, and there we lost behind a wooden column, closed my eyes and just felt your hands touch me, while truly ruffled your hair, your kiss I shook like mine you mad, cold breeze skin crawl us but the commotion did not let us feel the temperature.
continue to explore ... What happened after the count that night ...


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