and the story continues in reverse Aquixtla "[...] when you live, nothing happens. The scenery change, people come and go, that's all. "Ever is earlier. The days are added to days without rhyme or are in an interminable, monotonous addition. from time to time, we obtain a partial result, one says: I travel three years ago, three years I'm in Bouville. there is no end: we never give up once and a woman , a friend, to a city. and also everything seems to be: Shanghai, Moscow, Algiers, after fifteen days are alike. At times, rarely, takes stock, one cautions that is attached to a woman who has gotten into a dirty history. Hard as lightning. After that, the parade starts again, continues the amount of hours and days. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. April, May, June. 1924, 1925, 1926.
Nausea, Jean Paul Sartre.
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